
Identify the Tense – माहिती & प्रश्नोत्तरे 1 – For Std. 5th to 10th English (#001)

🔴 Read the given information first and then solve the Online Test.
खाली दिलेली माहिती अगोदर वाचा. व मग Online Test सोडवा.

🔴 Tense and its type – काळ आणि काळाचे प्रकार  :-
There are main three Tenses in English. इंग्रजीमध्ये मुख्य तीन काळ आहेत.

1) Present Tense – वर्तमानकाळ
2) Past Tense – भूतकाळ
3) Future Tense – भविष्यकाळ

🔴 1) Present Tense – वर्तमानकाळ 
When the action is spoken by a verb, refers to present time, the verb is said to be in the Present Tense.  जेव्हा वाक्यातील क्रिया ही चालू काळाचा म्हणजे वर्तमानकाळाचा निर्देश करते तेव्हा तो वर्तमानकाळ असतो.

🟩 He writes a letter. 
We swim in the river.
In these sentences main form of the verb is used after the Subject. and if the Subject is Third Person Singular then ‘-s’  or ‘-es’  is added to the main verb. At the end the Object is written.
या वाक्यात  कर्त्यानंतर (Subject)  क्रियापदाचे ( Verb ) मूळ रुप वापरतात. वाक्याचा कर्ता हा तृतीयपुरुषी एकवचनी असेल ( Third Person Singular ) तर मुख्या क्रियापदास ‘-s’  किंवा ‘ es ‘ प्रत्यय लावतात. व वाक्याच्या शेवटी कर्म लिहतात.

🟩 She is studying. 
They are working.
In these sentences the form of  ‘to be’ is used ( am / is / are ). And  ‘ ing ‘ is added to the main verb.
या वाक्यांमध्ये कर्त्यानंतर ‘ to be ‘ चे सहाय्यक क्रियापदाचा ( am / is / are ) वापर करतात. व त्यानंतर मुख्य क्रियापदा‘ ing ‘ प्रत्यय लावतात.

🟩 I have written a letter. 
Sagar has played cricket.
In these sentences ‘have’  is used after the subject.  If the Subject is Third Person Singular then ‘has’ is used. Then Past Participle is added.
या वाक्यांमध्ये कर्त्यानंतर ‘ have ‘  हे सहाय्यक क्रियापद  वापरतात. जर कर्ता हा तृतीय पुरुषी एकवचनी असेल  ‘ has ‘  हे सहाय्यक  क्रियापद वापरतात. त्यानंतर क्रियापदाचे तिसरे रुप ( Past Participle ) वापरतात.

🔴 2) Past Tense – भूतकाळ 
When the action is spoken by a verb, refers to past  time, the verb is said to be in the Present Tense.  जेव्हा वाक्यातील क्रिया ही गेलेल्या काळाचा म्हणजे  भूतकाळाचा निर्देश करते तेव्हा तो भूतकाळ असतो.

🟩 He jumped on the bed.  
We swam in the river.
The Simple Past Tense in regular verbs is formed by adding ‘ed’, ‘d’ or ‘t’ to the infinitive.
साधा भूतकाळ मुख्य क्रियापदास ‘ed’, ‘d’ किंवा  ‘t’ इ. प्रत्यय लावून तयार केा जातो.
कर्त्यानंतर मुख्या क्रियापदाचे दुसरे रुप वापरले जाते.

🟩 She was studying. 
They were working.
In these sentences the form of  ‘to be’ is used ( was / were ). And  ‘ ing ‘ is added to the main verb.
या वाक्यांमध्ये कर्त्यानंतर ‘ to be ‘ चे सहाय्यक क्रियापदाचा ( was / were ) वापर करतात. व त्यानंतर मुख्य क्रियापदा‘ ing ‘ प्रत्यय लावतात.

🟩 I had written a letter. 
Sagar had played cricket.
In these sentences ‘had’  is used after the subject.  Then Past Participle is added.
या वाक्यांमध्ये कर्त्यानंतर ‘ had ‘  हे सहाय्यक क्रियापद  वापरतात.  त्यानंतर क्रियापदाचे तिसरे रुप ( Past Participle ) वापरतात.

🔴 3) Future Tense – भविष्यकाळ
When the action is spoken by a verb, refers to future time, the verb is said to be in the Future  Tense.  जेव्हा वाक्यातील क्रिया ही येणाऱ्या काळाचा म्हणजे  भविष्यकाळाचा निर्देश करते तेव्हा तो भविष्यकाळ असतो.

🟩 He will write a letter. 
I shall  swim in the river.
In these sentences shall / will  is used after the Subject. Then the main verb is taken. At the end the Object is written.
कर्त्यानंतर shall / will हे सहायक क्रियापद वापरतात. त्यानंतर क्रियापदाचे मूळ रुप घेतात. व शेवटी कर्म  लिहतात.

🟩 She will be studying. 
They will be  working.
In these sentences will be / shall be is added after the Subject. And  ‘ ing ‘ is added to the main verb.
या वाक्यांमध्ये कर्त्यानंतर  will be / shall be वापरतात.  व त्यानंतर मुख्य क्रियापदा‘ ing ‘ प्रत्यय लावतात.

🟩 I shall have written a letter. 
Sagar will have played cricket.
In these sentences ‘shall have / will have ‘  is used after the subject.  Then Past Participle is added.
या वाक्यांमध्ये कर्त्यानंतर ‘ shall have / will have ‘  हे सहाय्यक क्रियापद  वापरतात.  त्यानंतर क्रियापदाचे तिसरे रुप ( Past Participle ) वापरतात.

Identify the Tense of the given sentence.  खालील वाक्यांचा काळ ओळखा.


Identify the Tense - Online Test 1 - For Standard 5th to 10th English

1 / 10

1. Some girls will have laughed loudly.

2 / 10

2. A huge, hairy, brown dog is sitting on the bag.

3 / 10

3. The bird will tell you the secret of happiness.

4 / 10

4. Somadatta walks down the street with the dead mouse in his hand.

5 / 10

5. The elephants destroyed the rice fields and huts.

6 / 10

6. The mason had made up his mind.

7 / 10

7. Raman has reached Hingoli.

8 / 10

8. The old woman was trying to separate the men.

9 / 10

9. Your mother will be scolding you.

10 / 10

10. We take the punishment as a class.

Your score is


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